Sunday, May 12, 2019

Decentraland Creator Contest Prize!

I'm so excited to finally see where the land I won in the Creator Contest is! I was thinking it would be in the Southwest corner of the map, but to my surprise, these parcels are right under the "Decentraland" sign! This was one of the first places I wanted to buy when I started looking at getting land, but since I bought elsewhere, I couldn't afford to get land here too. So I am SOOO happy get have a parcel here with all the other winners in the same area. 

I got parcel 55, -123, which is only 5 parcels away from the sign. There are a lot of other parcels for sale right now, and I wish I could add them to make an estate! But for now I'm content just enjoying the neighborhood and seeing what people create in the land around me. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Decentraland Builder Creator Contest!

This is a blog post that is a little late, but I didn't have this site up and running when I first got the news that Decentraland had picked the final 50 winners from the Decentraland Builder Creator Contest. They had already announced the top 5, plus the CoinGecko, Exodus, and Bittrex winners, so I was still holding out hope that I could get a spot in the top 50. I may or may not have been checking my phone habitually throughout the day to see if anything had been announced. And then......

I scrolled through some amazing builds, and I was shocked to see my castle build "Queen of My Castle" in there!!! 

I am SOOOOO excited to be included in these ranks of talented Creators! The honor of being alongside such talent is surprising and amazing. I'm not a designer in my own profession (I work with individuals with special needs), so this was an amazing experience.

My gratitude goes out to the judges who went through a whopping 9,000 entries! Art contests are so hard to judge, because art by it's nature is so subjective. Everyone appreciates art in a different way.

I put my 7,500 Mana to good use by using it to help expand the Steamworks Outpost, and I can't wait to see where the parcel of LAND will be. I don't think I'll sell it, because I think it's pretty special (at least it is to me!)

 Thanks for reading, and I can't wait to be able to walk through all the other submissions when they put them in Decentraland!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Decentraland Creator Contest Submission #5, The Keeper

This was actually my second scene working with the Decentraland Builder tool. I thought the stone house was super original, and made sure that you couldn't see light through any of the cracks in the walls.

I have a thing about fairy houses, and so this was sort of a mystical and whimsical house where the "Keeper" abides. 

I loved the way the accents looked inside. The logs were support, and the lanterns added a great pop of color. 

Near the house stands the arch, which hides the mysterious rock garden. 

So it's a little hard to see what this is from this angle, but from above... is the map of plazas in Decentraland. 

I left a few treats in the woods in case the judges went that far. I'm not sure what this is, it sort of looked more like a grave the more I worked on it, so it's open for interpretation I suppose!

Thanks for looking, and have fun in Decentraland!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Decentraland Builder Contest Submission #4

Even though this is one of the smaller builds I made for the Decentraland Creator Contest, it is one of my favorites! I love how the red jugs made the perfect substitute for ceramic roof tiles!

Decentraland Builder Contest Submission #3

My third submission for the Decentraland Builder Contest was ahem, slightly designed with Bittrex in mind. Like, I totally stalked them for this one. 

If the giant Bittrex logo wasn't enough, I sort of Googled their HQ address. After I found the building in Seattle I believe their offices are in, I set out to recreate it in virtual form. 

(I was especially happy when I found the pieces that worked for creating the "800" on the outside of the building!)

 I doubt anyone will ever realize what the building is if I didn't say it, but it was really fun to try to get it as close as possible to the real thing!

I was also really excited to learn how to create a new pattern out of the existing tiles we had to work with!

I also wanted to create a sense of futuristic wonder, so I added a few airships with a landing pad.

What's this on top of the airship????

Well there's a party inside the airship of course!

And when you're ready to leave, you can hop on a slide that takes you out the back of the airship, and hopefully you miss the prop on the way down!

I'm not sure if this one ever made it to the Bittrex judges, but my guess is they are pretty busy people. I had more fun making this one, just because it offered certain challenges to overcome. 

Thanks for looking!