Monday, April 22, 2019

Decentraland Virtual Reality

Our reality is different from one another, even though we may share the same soil, the same house, the same sun in the sky. Sometimes we long for another reality where our dreams are a bit closer to our grasp.

Decentraland seeks to be a new online gaming/building platform that offers the user a virtual reality experience. There are forests, casinos, distant lands, and more. Sounds similar to other virtual reality realms, nothing really groundbreaking here, until, that is, we talk about the underlying technology that Decentraland is built upon. Decentraland uses the blockchain to verify each transaction, making sure that the "real" money each user spends is purchasing something that cannot be duplicated in the digital world. That doesn't sound like much of a big deal, unless you like to collect rare online items, like this extreeeemely rare directors chair, (which the author happens to be the 11th person in the world ever granted one).

And there's one more thing that Decentraland offers that other VR platforms don't:

You can own your own piece of the game.

Not like an award or a high score list, but real, actual digital land! (insert chuckle at the sound of what I just wrote) Through the technology of the blockchain and it's online ledger, users can buy parcels of land, which then belongs to them. They can build a house on it, build a casino on it, they can even build a giant middle finger on it, I suppose...if they wanted to. The point is, it belongs to them, and they can do with it what they like. Imagine exploring a world where everyone could be as creative as their imagination allows them to be. Well some of it would be quite scary I suppose, but a lot of it would be pretty dang awesome too.

So here's to the dreamers, the radicals, the risk-takers who have stuck along with the project long enough to see it to the current state. Decentraland was, oddly enough, the first alt-coin that I ever bought. I sold it to buy some other coin, but later bought back in. This blog is dedicated to the progress of my own land on Decentraland, as well as other projects that are breaking new ground.

Only time will tell if we are lunatics buying pixels, or visionaries who braved the nay-sayers. Either way, the journey will be an interesting one...

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